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* Senior Lead AUDITOR on compliance management systems for several international conformity assessment bodies
* Management CONSULTANT and founder of neiger.C adisory e.U. - Vienna, Austria
* CHAIRPERSON of the Austrian mirror committee PC 265 to the ISO/TC 309 on Organizational Governance
* CONVENOR of ISO/TC 309 WG 4 Compliance management systems
* HEAD of the Austrian delegation ISO/TC 309 on Organizational Governance
* Advising organisations and giving lectures on developing, implementing and continual improving compliance/anti-corruption management systems.
* Independent lead auditor for ISO 37001:2016 Aniti-bribery management systems, ISO 37301:2021 Compliance management systems as well as an IRCA trained Lead Auditor for Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015).
* Co-author of ISO 37301:2021 Compliance management systems as Head of the Austrian delegation to ISO TC 309 Organizational Governance.
* Co-author of ISO 37001:2016 Anti-bribery management systems as Head of the Austrian delegation to ISO/PC 271.
* Certified Compliance Officer and IFC Certified Coach.
* Studied law at the University of Vienna (PhD. 1986), holds an MBA (summa cum laude) in Executive Management from the Vienna University of Economics (2006) and an MA (magna cum laude) in Anti-Corruption Studies from the International Anti-Corruption Academy Laxenburg (2014).
Prior to current activities, for more than 20 years working in senior and chief executive positions in the banking sector in the CEE region. during this time, in addition to market responsibilities (retail, corporate banking/corporate finance, treasury), alternating also responsible for risk management, legal, compliance and internal audit sectors.
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