
Succesfull Compliance - for effcient organisations with ISO 37301:2021, 2. revised edition
Delighted and proud of the ENGLISH VERSION just published of the 2nd revised edition of my practice commentary on ISO 37301:2021, which was newly published in April 2021. The guidance for practical implementation explains all elements of the standard and introduces numerous practical tips to its step-by-step implementation. Individual chapters deal with the integrated implementation together with ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management systems, with the implementation for SME and with certification.
As a contribution to sustainable development, the English version has only been published as an e-book. In contrast to the German edition, which is also available in a print version in addition to the e-book.
A big thank you to all of my so many readers who made the German version publish early this year already a big success!

Erfolgreich mit Compliance - zur effizienten Organisation mit ISO 37301:2021, 2. überarbeitete Auflage
Hoch erfreut und stolz über die zeitnahe Publikation der 2.überarbeiteten Auflage meines Praxiskommentars zur im April 2021 neu erschienen ISO 37301:2021. Die Anleitung zur praktischen Umsetzung erläutert alle Elemente des Standards und führt mit zahlreichen Praxistipps an dessen schrittweise Umsetzung heran.
Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle meine so zahlreichen Leser, die den Erfolg der 1.Auflage meines Praxishandbuches (2015) ermöglicht haben!
Buch (hard copy)

Erfolgreich mit Compliance - zur effizienten Organisation mit ISO 19600:2014, 1.Auflage
Dieses Handbuch erläutert alle Elemente der ISO 19600 und führt mit zahlreichen Praxistipps an eine schrittweise Umsetzung eines Compliance Management Systems (CMS) in jeder Art von Organisation heran. Durch den ganzheitlichen Ansatz ist ein CMS nach ISO 19600 ein Führungsinstrument des strategischen Managements. Dieses Buch erhebt den Anspruch, die praktische Umsetzung wissenschaftlich zu fundieren, gepaart mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung im Aufbau und der Leitung von komplexen Systemen. Austrian Standards, Wien.
Zertifizierung und externe Verifizierung
In: Sartor, R. (ed) - Praxisleitfaden Compliance 2019. 2.Auflage, LexisNexis. Wien.
Das Kapitel befasst sich mit Beurteilung und Zertifizierung eines Compliance Management Systems (CMS). Eine Zertifizierung bedeutet die Bestätigung durch eine unabhängige Stelle, dass ein CMS mit Kriterien eines Referenzstandards wie ISO 19600:2014 Compliance Management Systems oder ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems als übereinstimmend befunden wird.

Cross Border Compliance - Standardization Experience from Austria
In: Makowicz, B. (ed) - Global Ethics, Compliance & Integrity Yearbook 2018. Deutscher Fachverlag. Hemsbach.
The approach of the Austrian business community in developing compliance standards as represented by a committee established at the Austrian member body of the International Organisation for Standardization.
Excursus: Value-oriented HR Management (Wertorientiertes Personal-Management)
In: Bühr, Petsche, Tolar, 2016, ISO 19600 - Compliance Management Systems. A Commentary for Practicioners. Wien. Lexis Nexis
A loyal and motivated workforce is one of the most competitive advantages of organisations. Besides qualifying employees through education, training and work experience to professionally manage their operational tasks organisations are required to establish a work environment that enables employees to discharge applicable compliance obligations effectively..
Wie Change Management die Einführung eines CMS unterstützt (How Change Management is supporting the implementation of a CMS) in: Petsche,Schwab,Toifl, 2014, Compliance Praxis Spezial 2010-2014. Wien. Lexis Nexis
A Compliance Management System (CMS) can make an important contribution to the competitiveness and success of an organisation in the long run. The article describes the practical benefits of a change management phase-model for the introduction of an adequate and effective CMS.
Die Rolle der Leitung (The role of Top-Management) in: Compliance Management Systems (CMS) - Die ONR 192050. Praxiskommentar. In: Petsche, A., Toifl A., Neiger B., Jirges E., 2013, Vienna, Austrian Standards plus GmbH, pp. 33-59
The practical guide explains the Austrian standard ONR Compliance Management Systems, that deals with the requirements and guidance on the implementation of an effective CMS.The article describes the tasks of top-manage,ent in such process and gives guidance for the practical approach.
The new International Standard ISO 37301 Compliance Management System
In: LexisNexis Compliance Praxis, Issue 03 2020, pp. 14-16 (in German)
The article explains the change in the international standard ISO 37301 compliance management system to its predecessor standard ISO 19600.
Since both standards are based on the same HLS basis for ISO management system norms, no fundamental adjustments are required for an existing compliance management system (CMS) according to ISO 19600.
Cross Border Compliance - Standardization Experience from Austria
In: Compliance-Berater, Beihefter zu Heft 1-2/2017 Compliance Across Europe - Cross Cultural Compliance, Vol.1, pp. 21-22
Transcript of a lecture held at the Viadrina Compliance Center at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) during th 4th Viadrina Compliance Congress during 6th - 7th July 2016.
My contribution to the theme of this congress “Compliance across Europe” was to present the approach of the Austrian business community in developing compliance standards as represented by a committee established at the Austrian member of the International Organisation for Standardization.
ISO 37001 - Der neue Antikorruptionsstandard im Portät (A portait of the new Anti-corruption standard)
In: LexisNexis Compliance Praxis, Issue 4 2016, pp. 36-37 (in German)
In October 2016, the International Standard "ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management systems" has been published which contains requirements and implementation instructions for an effective anti-corruption management system. The article shows which goals are to be achieved with the standard and which benefits companies can derive from its application, especially in the case of transactions with third parties.
Compliance 4.0 - Zertifizierung eines CMS als wirksames Führungsinstrument (Compliance 4.0. - Certification of a CMS as effective mangement tool)
In: comply. Fachmagazn für Compliance Verantwortliche, Issue 2/2016, pp. 36-38 (in German)
An experience report for the certification of compliance management systems according to ONR 192050: 2013 and ISO 19600: 2014.
Increased awareness of regulatory compliance is seen as one of the most lasting effects of the certification of a compliance management system (CMS). Compliance is far more comprehensive than the traditional anti-corruption and anti-trust regulations. Due to the viewpoint of an integrated management system, numerous suggestions for improving the CMS are taken from the conformity assessment audit.
UNCAC - United Nations Convention against Corruption (Konvention der Vereinten Nationen gegen Korruption)
In: LexisNexis Compliance Praxis, Issue 1 2016, pp.42-43 (in German)
This article provides an introduction to the United Nations Convention against Corruption. The goal is to raise awareness of the UNCAC and to show its influence on the global fight against corruption
ISO 19600 - A Management Tool for Combating Corruption in: International Anti-Corruption Academy - IACAlumnus, VIII (in English)
ISO 19600:2014 provides a worldwide unified framework for the development, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of a Compliance Management System (CMS). The extent to which the elements are implemented is to be flexibly adapted to the individual situation of each organisation independent of its legal form, site or type of activity. This present article introduces the standard and gives practical guidance for its implementation.
ISO 19600 - Ein Führungsinstrument zur Sicherstellung von regelkonformem Verhalten (A management tool to ensure compliant behavior)
In: Aufsichtsrat aktuell, 11th Edition, Nr.6, December 2015, pp.38-42 (in German)
In order to be sustainable and effective compliance measures must contribute to improving the operation of an organization. The ISO 19600 of 2014 provides for a global uniform best-practice approach for the establishment, implementation and maintenance of a compliance management system (CMS). The present article informs about the CMS according to ISO 19600.
The International Anti-Corruption Academy - what does it do? In: Expert's Corner at www.ethic-inteligence.com (in English)
In December 2014, I received a Master’s degree in Anti-Corruption Studies (MACS) as a student of the first ever international Master’s program in anti-corruption. In the interview I discusses my experience.
Wie die Berücksichtigung psychologische Aspekte die Wirksamkeit eines CMS unterstützt (How the consideration psychological aspects supports the effectiveness of a CMS) In: LexisNexis Compliance Praxis, Issue 4 2013, pp.15-17 (in German)
The article is to give encouragement to view our own and the behaviour of others critical to identify mechanisms which facilitate and support abusive actions. If these mechanisms are identified, they can on the one hand - even though this may sound surprising now - be strengthened to support compliance, or measures can be set to counter them.
Wie Change Management die Einführung eines CMS unterstützt (How the consideration of psychological aspects supports the effectiveness of a CMS) In: LexisNexis Compliance Praxis, Issue 2 2013 (in German).
A Compliance Management System (CMS) can make an important contribution to the competitiveness and success of the company in the long run. The article describes the practical benefits of a change management phase-model for the introduction of an adequate and effective CMS.