neiger.C advisory e.U.
Haizingergasse 54
A-1180 Vienna, Austria
Legal form: Sole Proprietorship
Company register: FN440311t
Trade register: The company is subject to the Austrian Trade Regulation (Gewerbeordnung - https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/).
The following businesses have been duly registered:
1. Business consultancy, including corporate organization under § 136 GewO 1994 - trade register (GISA Nr.): 28077756
2. Book, art and music publishig under under § 5(2) GewO 1994 - trade register (GISA Nr.): 28236832
Issuing authority: Vienna City / Municipal District Office for the 1th/8th District.
Member of the Chamber of Commerce, Vienna - Section Information and Consulting
VAT-ID Nr.: ATU68887779
Direction of this webpage:
Information on the services offered by neiger.C. Advisory e.U.
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Portrait: www. wilke.at
Further pictures: www.shutterstock.com